PKWH Sponsors Cougar Invitational 2022 — Palmer Kazanjian Wohl Hodson

PKWH Sponsors Cougar Invitational 2022

In an effort to improve the tournament next year, please take a moment to answer our brief survey. 

Dear Golfers, Sponsors, Members, and Friends,

Our 19th Annual Cougar Invitational was a huge success!   We are pleased you were able to join us for a beautiful day of golf.

A huge thank you to the wonderful sponsors, volunteers, committee members, and the team at Turkey Creek Golf Course. We are indebted to all who made this event possible and we appreciate you supporting the Sacramento Chapter of the BYU Management Society and local BYU students.

Together we raised over $52,000 toward scholarships for Sacramento area students to attend BYU and BYUI and we couldn’t have done it without your help and participation. 

With appreciation,

The BYU Golf Committee

Palmer Kazanjian Wohl Hodson LLP is a proud sponsor of the Cougar Invitational: Swing for a Scholar.

We are looking forward to helping raise money again this year to help fund scholarships for students in the greater Sacramento area! Save the date - Friday, August 26th 2022 - at the Turkey Creek Golf Club in Lincoln, CA.